The S&TS calendar lists folk dance events in the UK. You can add events yourself once you have been authorised to do so. Otherwise you should fill in an event form here and we will enter the details for you.
If you want to become authorised to add events yourself, please fill in the form here. We will send you a user name and password.
When you first add an event it is "unpublished". It must be approved by one of the administrators before it can be seen by the public.
As well as adding events, you can also modify events that you own. After editing, an event will become "unpublished" until it is approved again. You can also make a copy of an existing event and change the details, leaving the original unchanged. This makes it easy to create a series of events by cloning each event from the previous one.
You can't delete an event directly. If you want to delete an event, change the subject to "Please delete". It will become "unpublished" and the administrators will remove it.
There are special fields for entering the date, time and location for your event. You should always fill these in so that your event appears in the proper place in the calendar and can be found using the search tools. There is no need to repeat the same details in the event description.
Logging in
You need to log in before you can enter any data. Select 'Log in/out' from the main menu and type your user name and password. These are both case sensitive. You will be logged out automatically if you don't type anything for a while. If something stops working, try logging in again.
When you are logged in there is some extra information displayed in a grey box below the list of events. This allows you to choose which events to display.
- Only your own events / All events
- Published events / Unpublished events
To add a new event
There are various ways to add a new event.
- Go to the 'Calendar' menu and select 'Add new event'.
- View the monthly calendar and move the cursor over the required date. Click the plus sign (+) that appears.
You will see the 'Create an event' page where you can enter all the details.
To modify an existing event
You can only modify your own events. Find the event you want to modify and open the detail page. Click the edit icon (it looks like a pencil) at the right opposite the event title. This will reveal further options. To edit the event click "Edit main event". You will see a page where you can change any of the event details. Note that the event will need to be approved again after it has been edited.
To make a clone of an existing event
You can only clone your own events. Find the event you want to clone and open the event detail page. Click the edit icon (pencil) opposite the event title. Select 'Copy and edit event' to create a new event without altering the existing one. Change the date and other details as required.
What to write
Please use the recommended formats below for consistency.
Subject field
This is the title of the event as it appears in the calendar. The first word should be the name of the nearest large town or city. This is followed by a short description of the event. Bear in mind that it may get cut off if it's too long. You can also include a brief reference to the band and caller. Examples of good subjects are ...
- Cardiff Ceilidh: Whapweasel
- Bath Playford Ball: Colin Hume, The Assembly Players
- London Barndance: Lynne Render, ECDB
Category field
Choose the most suitable one from the list. They are displayed in different colours. Use the category "Club meeting" for your regular weekly or monthly club activities. The categories "Dance", "Ball", "Workshop", etc are for specific one-off events.
Start, End, Duration
Enter the date and times for your event here. We do not recommend using the repeated events feature which is difficult to set up correctly. (See notes here if you really want to use repeated events). It's generally easier to enter a series of separate events by cloning each event from the previous one as necessary.
Activity description field
This is where the main description goes. It is a free text area where you can say what you like to promote the event. Use plain text plus simple HTML tags if you wish to format the display. We recommend <p><h1><h2><h3><br><ul><li>. Please don't use any embedded styles, colours or fonts which may mess up the display.
Location field
Start typing in the box or click the button marked 'Select Location' to choose your venue from a pre-defined list of locations. If you have a regular venue that is not listed, you can ask the administrator to add it. Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name of the venue and the exact postal address including postcode. It's a good idea to check the address on the Royal Mail website to make sure it's accurate. As a temporary work-around, you can put the location details in the Activity area if your venue is not available in the pre-defined list.
Contact field
You can enter here the names, phone numbers, email addresses, etc for enquiries. If there's not enough space, you can use the Activity description area as well.
Extra info field
Please don't use this field. It's displayed below the map and people are likely to miss it. Its only purpose might be to explain how to find the venue.
Saving and publishing your event
When you have finished editing your event, click the save icon at the top. The event will be saved, but it will be "unpublished". This means that only you and the administrators can see it. The administrators will get a message saying it's waiting to be approved. In a day or so the administrators will publish the event so that it can be seen by all visitors to the website.
If you need to go back to the event before it has been published you can select "Show unpublished events" from below the event listing. You need to be logged in for this to work. You can re-edit the event or make clones of it before it has been published.
If you have trouble using the site, please contact the administrators at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..